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Islam is the light which shone from the dawn of humanity. To bring humanity into the right guidance. To know what is right and what is wrong - Yusuf Islam          The Muslims Have got Islam as a legacy; hence they fail to recognize its value - Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall          We need spirited, energetic and strong young people whose hearts are filled with life, enthusiasm, zeal and dynamism; whose souls are full of ambition, aspiration and vigour and have great goals, rising and aspiring to reach them until they eventually arrive at their destination - Hasan al-Banna          Love cannot fully express itself without hatred for its enemy and our hatred of falsehood must be proportionate to our love for the truth - Maryam Jameelah           We must begin looking at each other as brothers and sisters…..and not walking brochures. We must see each other’s strengths and encourage those strengths…..We must see each other’s weaknesses and be patient with those weaknesses…..sometimes even look beyond what we see as weaknesses and move on with compassion and love and respect. That takes true faith - Dawud Wharnsby Ali          Those who know they do not know, know that, to know is to know what they do not know - Ibn Sina          Education is our Passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today - Malcolm X          I looked at all friends, but did not find a better friend than safeguarding the tongue. I thought about all dresses, but did not find a better dress than piety. I thought of all types of wealth, but did not find a better wealth than contentment in little. I thought of all types of good deeds, but did not find a better deed than offering good advice. I looked at all types of sustenance, but did not find a better sustenance than patience - Umar bin Khattab (R)        

Sunday, May 29, 2005

We played around here countless times. Remember Spring...when the surrounding flower gardens were in full used to steal flowers...maybe we did too *lol* Posted by Hello

This is where mou's dad and my dad worked in Bangladesh *sigh* Posted by Hello

Remember this beloved place?

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Our deepest darkest secrets, muhahaha!

Salams all,

At the suggestion of mini apu you are all ORDERED 2 share ur deepest darkest secrets..... if not, then share ur most embarassing moments. It's always fun 2 laugh at these things, na? Well, i wont rite mine here but as a reply to this blog. So u'll be tempted to read the replies and then tempted to write (insha Allah). So write away pplz.


Friday, May 27, 2005

When I first met you Mou *sigh*

This is dedicated to mou.
I remember the first time I met you. You were about 2 and half years old and I was in grade 1 I think. Your family consisted of you, your mum and dad and the three of you had cover over for a visit. You were a bubbly and inquisitive kid, chatting away, asking countless questions and wanting us to play with you. For you it was love at first sight. You loved us three (afi & zaki inlcuded) and didn't wanna leave us. I remember I was quite annoyed. More annoyed whem ammu told me to find you paper and colour-pencils. Bet you don't remeber at all do you? Anyways, I love you now, don't dont hold past feeling against me!

Yeah and I remeber the time you stayed over at our house and do you remember who took you home? It was me thats who and I was very amnnoyed at ammu for giving me the job. There was that small children's park between your and our building: abt a minute's walk. I was fed up with enetertaining you for the past day and now I had to take you home! Time to get back at the silly little kid. Thats the fun thing about carrying out a revenge against a kid, never backfires. You were too little to understand it and even if you understood, too dumb to dob me in *lol* sorry. Along the way, I made up scary stories to make you cry, I even threatened you with a caterpillar. I threatened to put it on you *lol* Betcha don't remember! Betcha never knew I was thinking these mean things! Well, now the cat is loose among the pigeons. Hope I'll not need rescuing....


Salams all,

Since we are getting so many new people to join our microcosm, why dont we all introduce ourselves. Please write a short intro as a reply to this msg so we all know who's who.
shoot, this allways happens to me, i write this long message, and then i do something stupid, and it all goes away, anyways, the summery of the deleated post is i had the grad prac today, and senior brunch. everything was good. they auctioned of tshirts for $50. some ppl have so much money to waste...........they sang, gave speech......this girls speech made all the girls cry, it was about her life. and then i talked abotu how i am so thankful to Allah, cuase sometimes i think i take stuff for granted. and then also they sang. and there was a mock election. for ex: best dressed, best smile, best laugh, friendliest, most organized, most likely to take over the world, most likely to become president, most likely to pull a surprise. so it was fun.......hmm, i think that covers it............anyways, pray for me, my grad is this sun. wish you guys could be here to see my graduate.....salam.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Honours Presentation 1 OVER!

Salamz everyone!
Just had my Honours Presentation1 today. I was 2nd to go. It was a tiny audience. Even then, I got so nervous, jumbled up all mu words. Don't know what I said! *lol* Glad its over. We had to talk about our research question, what method we'll be using, why our research is significant, ethical issues etc etc

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Ok, I know I'm being a blog freak, but I gotta do this. Mou, your mention of the sleep-over part in the dream brought back bitter-sweet memories. Remember new years eve 1996, how we celebrated it? We ere silly little kids! I don't think we did wrong consciously. Remember how we put on shari, did our hair! The rest is a bit hazy, did we light candles and swear solemn oaths (like new years resolutions)?!?! Help me here. Anyways. There were mily apu, you, me, afifa, zakia....was maliha and nilufa there? that bit is hazy too. Remember nilufa, that tall gangly girl? She was in mily apu's grade. She's married now and living with her husband in the US. She married someone from BNP and mily apu wasn't invited. Not nice, I thought. But from mily apu, I got the impression that by then they had drifted apart anyway.

Anyways, back to my reminiscence.... We did some more silly stuff. We were at Abul Hossain uncle's flat (Tamanna's dad, remeber her??). he was overseas, his family was holydaying in desher bari and we had practically taken over their flat (with uncle's permission). This was God send. Otherwise we'd have to rent for those 2 weeks bewfore coming to Australia. Anyways that night, the only male in the house was abbu. Ammu, your mum and a few other aunties were having sleep-over at mily apu's flat. Except, I heard later that they didn't sleep. Typically what happens when aunties get together. More so that night coz i giess it was kinda farewell-sleepover. Thankfully, ammu ahd taken baby radia and little raef with her. *LOL*

I really wanted to take photos that night, but the camera we had was my fufa's and I wasn't sure if he'd be happy with me using it. We didn't even have our own camera! We borrowed his to take photos at the airport. So, sadly, not photos from that night. I remember we called it 'nobo borsho boron kori' or sumthing like that. We did our ritals just as the clock struck 12, do you remember? Ah those innocent days! Finally sleep-time. You, afifa, zakia eneded up together in one room coz you were the youngies. That brings me to the question whether nilifa was there or not. I remember mily apu, me and nilufa squashing up in a single-bed. We couldn't sleep either, but more from the lack of room that chatting. I have a strong suspision I'm mixing his up with another sleepover. Anyways, we did chat. nilifar told us about this guy she had a crush on! Well, she didn't say she had a crush on him, but the way she was talking, I could bet a million bucks that she did. Me and mily apu didn't have that sorta story. But I know that mily apu and some of her friends had similar stories: guys trying to give them messages and asking them time for no reason etc. Mou, do you remember Rasheda? She was at the centre of it, always simpering and fluttering eyelids at guys, mily apu and I were just tag along extras. *LOL* The things we did when we were little! The sad thing is, I heard that Rasheda had actually eloped with with one of those silly no-brains, then her parents brought her back. Imagine the embassesment! Serves her right!

Remember our last picnic, on the rooftop of your flat? We actually took pictures on that day but they got lost even before we flew to Australia. Rotten luck! But I still see it vividly in my mind's eye. Remember we made a poster that said 'Anondovojon' as in instead of 'bonvojon'? I stayed up the previous night cutting out the letters and gluing it. We had so much fun! Remember how we did khopa on you mou? Your hair was little, just started growing back. I think you got sick and it had to go. Sorry mou. We put a black scarf on you, pulled it to the back and twisted it into a khopa at the back. I remember I even put some flowers on your khopa to make it look realistic. The flowers we decorate our rooms with *LOL* Remember how we dressed up mily apu like a bride with the face dot decoration and all? She was the fairest and prettiest! Still is! Oh the beauty spots on her mliky complexion! Think that was a bit too mushy now* Your mum took some real gud pics of her in the bridal look. Aunty cooked us the fantastic food. Cant remember what it was? Did we even help her skin some onions or potatos? Cant remember that either. Anyways, I'll stop now and wait for you or anyone to supplement or correct my story

Happy News Everyone!

Ema has decided to join us.
I love you Ema and I'll forgive everything you do as long as you come back...

It hurts more when friends don't realise they're hurting you

Poor Mou!

Just chatted with Mou on msn. Poor thing's in mourning! Yesterday was last day of high school. She's in no mood right now to blog, even though we're dying to find out about it. Well, here's our conversation:

nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
kemon acho?
nira says:
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i am ok
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
just really depressed
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
today was my last day of school
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
nira says:
had ur graduation?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
a very emotional day for me
nira says:
for sure
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
no, its going to be on 29th
nira says:
did you cry?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
so many times
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
atfirst i thought i was all cried out
nira says:
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
nira says:
wish i cud c u
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
ive been mourning this day for 6th months
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
so at first i didnt cry
nira says:
chu chu
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
but when i went to say bye to one of my friends, i couldnt hold back tears
nira says:
poor thing!
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
so then after school
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
me maliha and two of my friends
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
went to this place
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
well, two more were supposed to come, but couldnt, so we didnt have a car
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
so we walked to this pizza hut
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
and ate lunch there
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
it took us 2 hours
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
30 min choosing
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
1 hr eating
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
30 min paying
nira says:
can u get halal pizza ta Pizza Hut?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
cheese pizza
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
with pepper something
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
and we bugged the pizza guy for a while
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
we told him to take our pics
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
so many times
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i think he kind of got annoyed
nira says:
did u tell him its ur lasy day of high school?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i mean, at first it seemed that he was amused at first
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
but i think later we got to him
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
no, it was kind of obvious i think
nira says:
can i see sum pics
nira says:
of ur last day?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
they are not on the comp though
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i will show it to you later
nira says:
wheneva u hav em
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
anyways, but then we left him $4 tips though
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
so hope that made up for it
nira says:
that shud'v made him happy
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i hope
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
after that we were jsut walking
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
and takling
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
and then there was this fountain
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
we took some more pics there
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
it was so weird
nira says:
reminiscing abt the gud old days
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
we were all acting like immature kids
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
we were acting crazy
nira says:
no, more like grandmas
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
just laughing w/o any reason
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i mean it was like i knew that i am leaving
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
but i couldnt believe it
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
or couldnt feel it
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
so i was so happy
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
and then one of my friends was kind of sad
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
and i knew then that the only reason i was still laughing is cause i am still with then
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
but once i leave
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i am gonna be really sad
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
and thats what happend
nira says:
*my arms around you*
nira says:
nira says:
be happy
nira says:
ur're ready to go to college and make new friends
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
yeah, but thats college
nira says:
bty, have you thought about which college ur going to?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
ive been with these ppl for more than 6 yrs
nira says:
what course will you take?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
its jsut so sad
nira says:
you bet
nira says:
i've never been in a school for more than 4 yrs
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
well, since i ahve no money right now, i decieded to go to a community college first, then after 2 yrs, transfer to a real university
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
no, me neither
nira says:
what will you study for the 2 yrs?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
but i know some ppl from 6th grade
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
dad wants me to study for medical something
nira says:
do you need a certain grade?
nira says:
high sumthin?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
yeah, but more than anything i need money
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
which i dont have right nownira says:
you don't get a study-loan from the government?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
and uni is really expejsive for international kiids
nira says:
you're absolutely right
nira says:
same here
nira says:
i forgot that you'd be an international student
nira says:
Australian citizens get a study0loan called 'HECS'
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
yeah, wich is not letting me do a lot of stuff
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
nira says:
we have to pay if off wiht the current inflation rate, once we start working
nira says:
tell ur dad to apply to come to Australia
nira says:
nira says:
you'd love it here!
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
you think my dad will agree?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
abbi just wants to go back
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
to bd
nira says:
so, when will you go?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
the only reason he is not going is because of our studies
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
but other than that
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
he doesnt even want to stay here
nira says:
that maks sense
nira says:
my dad's kinda same
nira says:
so will you go after Anika finished high school?
nira says:
wat grade is she in now?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
or maybe only abbi ammu would go back
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
cause to tell you the truth
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i dotn want to...........................well..i do too.............but for visit
nira says:
i knew u were gonn say that
nira says:
its sad
nira says:
nira says:
that you don't wanna go back to live in ur country of birth
nira says:
despite of all its probs
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i know................i should love my country, and i do i guess................but
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
..........i dont know how to explain
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i mean, what does it have to safety......................ppl lieing...........girls trapped cause of cant go anywhere by yourself..........
nira says:
but its still home
nira says:
and its a Muslim country
nira says:
that doesn't have the ills of Australia or US
nira says:
well, some
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i know......................but is the lifestyle any better though? i mean ofcourse i know they have a lot of bad stuff........haram stuff..........kintu bd-teo kintu islam biddeshi manush are trying to take over the country
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
even there they try to make you feel low because you are religious or something.......................
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i mean any natoke, gundar mukhe ektu dari lagai dau................or maulana...................
nira says:
thats true
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
dont get me wrong...............i still love my country....................i am in love with ppl, and culture...........and islam...............
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
but sometimes i think the lifestyle is harder
nira says:
but overall, its still a morally better place to live
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
and i guess i dont really want to stay here forever either
nira says:
maybe not materiallistically
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i mean................i guess i have this image of myself going back to bd after i fix my career and everything
nira says:
I was just thinking the other day, that when I die, where shud i be buried?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
cause i think its a really dangerous environment
nira says:
yeah, without strick adherence to Islam, you're sure to destroy ur ultimate future
nira says:
but that cud happen anywhere
nira says:
though chances are greater in a non-Muslim society
nira says:
Anyways, back to my musings about death
nira says:
It upset me to realise that I cud be buried in Australia and not in Bangladesh
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
why not
nira says:
I said to myself 'STOP'
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
you could if you want to right?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i mean cant you make a will
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
or watevfe
nira says:
send the coffin by air
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
nira says:
itd cost my family a fortune
nira says:
my children andgrand-children cud be bankrupt
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
but its your death...................
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
and besides
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
does it really matter where you are buried.....................i mean after you are dead, its all the same underground
nira says:
I guess
nira says:
But sentiments are hard to do away with
nira says:
I've decided, as soon as I start working, I going to open an account in a funeral fund
nira says:
so that my family doesn't have to bear the cost of burial
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
hm............i guess you could do that.......................but i mean, after death, i dont think you are going to care about that anymore
nira says:
nira says:
but i know the financial strain os huge
nira says:
Here its costs a Minimum of $2000AUD+ for a Muslim burial
nira says:
Crhistian ones cost even more
nira says:
what with their flowers, and church fees and processions and watever
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
yeah................................i guess
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
so when r u gonna get thatj ob
nira says:
don't know
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
tomar to practice shesh taina?
nira says:
this is my final year of study
nira says:
so sumtime next year, I'm hoping I'll be able to get a position in an Islamic school
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
that would be cool
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
do they have any islamic school there?
nira says:
hard work too
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
thats cool
nira says:
in Sydney, there's about 10 Islamic Schools
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
cool, r u gonna teach in suday school too?
nira says:
nira says:
Islamic schools are required teach the regular curriculum
nira says:
in addition, they teach things lihe Religious studies, Arabic etc
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i pray for you, inshaallah you will get that
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
hey muni apu
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
want to make a plan?
nira says:
Sunday schools are run by usually voluntary work
nira says:
sure, wat is it
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
after, after we are all grown up............we should make a plan for us all to move back to bd...............and then buy houses near each otehr..............mone ache? amra, tomra.......aro koyekta uncle ek jaigai jomi kinse so we could live there or some place else.................and ishita, afi jaki apu and everyone else, mily apu
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
nira says:
wow, that taook you long
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i know, unrealistic plan
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
but its a dram
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
nira says:
no, I don't think its unrealistic
nira says:
where there's a will, there's a way
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
yeah..............but even if you want to, how would you know if your husband would want to
nira says:
I think i'll always have this as one of my ultimate goals,
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
and our careers
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
and life
nira says:
provided my husban (whoever it'll be) agrees with it
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i dont know
nira says:
we have to be under their authority
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
nira says:
hunsbands after parents
nira says:
I swear, a girl's gotta listen to some1 alwways
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
yup, and who know how they will be,
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
you know
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i remember
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
a long yimr ago
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
time ago
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i had this dream
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
that we finally met each other again, but by that time, you are allready married, and afifa apu is getting married that day, and jakia apu is engaged
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
and we were so sad
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i was planning a sleepover............but then you didnt come cause of your husband
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
nira says:
let me guess
nira says:
he didn't let me
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i know, funny dream
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i dont know if he didnt let you, but you just told me that i am married now, i cant go anywhere i want to
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
or its not like the old times
nira says:
no, thats not me
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
or something like that
nira says:
i'd never say that
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i had that dream like 7 yrs ago
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
or maybe even 8
nira says:
how old were u at the time?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
it was right after u guys left, when i was missing you guys a lot
nira says:
nira says:
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
maybe 10 or 11
nira says:
nira says:
how old wen u came to US?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
11and a half
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i think it was 10 and a half when i had that dream
nira says:
still in bd?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
yeah, but we moved back to dhangob, by then
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
sorry if i am making you feel uncomfortable by tellign ur this dream
nira says:
no I'm having fun
nira says:
wanna here wat happened last night?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
nira says:
we were having family dinner right, everyone except abbu
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
nira says:
we started talking about marriage and that
nira says:
I said to ammu my husband had better not be bossy, narrow-minded, always teling me to do this, don't do that.....
nira says:
she said, "don't think like this
nira says:
cause maybe you'll have a husband who's really conservative
nira says:
and he won't even let you go out to hang out the clothes on the clothes-lines
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
that would suck
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
thats what i think now
nira says:
k, i haven't finishes
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
nira says:
btw, i just gave ur mail to Ema
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
go ahead
nira says:
hope you don't mind
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
wich one?
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
oh mail add
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
its k, she knows
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i talked to her
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
chatted wit hher
nira says:
she told me she lost it or sumthin
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
nira says:
anyway, gave it to her again
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
nyways, finish ur story
nira says:
one Q before i go bk to story
nira says:
have u checked blog today?
nira says:
seen my posting 'just a complement'
nira says:
and Ishita's comment ot it?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
yeah, i dont mind adding otha ppl, i just didnt feel like posting blog today, being do depressed and all
nira says:
so ur happy with Ema becoming a member?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
of course
nira says:
k, ill send her a mail
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
hey, can you add afi and jaki apu too?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i dont get to talk to them at all
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
ny more
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i think we should add all our sistas too
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
anika, maliha, afi and jaki apu
nira says:
that'd mean I can't say funny stuff abt them any more
nira says:
ok, i'll ask if they''re interested
nira says:
now, back to my story
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
k, fast
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i think i ahve to go in 5 min
nira says:
nira says:
this'll be quick
nira says:
that "...he won't even let you go out to hang out the clothes on the clothes-lines..."
nira says:
this is a little family joke
nira says:
coz there's a person we know who does that to his wife
nira says:
I said, I'm never gonna marry a man like that!"
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
yeah, we know a guy like that too
nira says:
anyays, ammu goes, "how would you know?"
nira says:
They can look ok before marriage, but real face comes out afta
nira says:
so I said
nira says:
I'll show em too
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
nira says:
I'll be nice and sweet before and after if they change, I'll be a real FISH_WIFE too
nira says:
SHREW is the other word
nira says:
we all cracked up laughing
nira says:
lucky abby wasn't there
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
oh, mini apu, bolte bhule gesi............tomar shopne ekta baby chilo, maybe thats why you couldnt come
nira says:
he gets upset to hear me talk like that
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
nira says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
do you talk like that infront of him
nira says:
boy or girl?
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
dont remember, 8 yrs ago
nira says:
In front of abbu, sumtimes I talk like that, can't help it, thats how I am
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
lol, allready excited,
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
nira says:
but I try to respect the fact that he doesn't like it
nira says:
since you're not blogging today
nira says:
do you wanna post this coversation as a msg
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
sure, if you have no prob ppl knowing about my funny dream
nira says:
me? hell no!
nira says:
Go for it
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
, i gtg now
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
can you post it for me
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
plz plz plz
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
i gotta go sleep now
nira says:
nira says:
u owe me 1
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn both go back into the same box. says:
nira says:

Matha betha

Salams ppl,

I've had the worst migrane lately, sinus o hote pare. Dont no 4 sure. Ammu sheidin tiger balm lagaye dilo, it got better after that. But onek panadol kaite hoitese to block out the pain. U no chocolate blocks out pain too, wat do u say ami panadol substitute kore chocolate khai, hehe. That way mota hoite hoite phaitta jabo ami. Im going 2 uni late 2day, icha kore, coz kichu bhalo lage na. I need a holiday, dure kothao jete icha kore. Koi jabo boloto, any ideas? Are, taka poisha to nai, jabo kemni tai na? Anyways, pagol pagol mone hoitese amake, na? Ashole pagol pagol lagtese. Dont u feel like that sometimes. Like u've gone all pagol and every1 else around u is sane. Probably not, hmmmm....

Uni jete icha kortese na. But I have 2 go coz I've missed too many classes. Ar ekta miss korle me fail. Fail korle ammu fit hoye jabe. But alhamdulillah ammu is supportive abt pora shona. Abbu is too but like all macho men he duznt like to show it. It's funny, what happened the other day was ami ammur shathe beshi ghesha gheshi kortesilam and she got scared. She thought ami preme teme porsi or something, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If I really liked some1 like that I'd tell my Mum, she knows that. And I told her how this dude was after one of my frends and then she asked me if any1 was after me and i said, "ami ki shundor naki je amar piche keo bhagbe!". Apparently ammu was upset abt that. Amar aar ammur eki problem - super sensitive. U dont know what will upset us. Ektu tei koshto pai but at the same time onek offensive things gaye lage na. I told u ami pagol pagol type. Must have gotten it from ammu, lol.

I was telling Tahnia apu on the train the other day that I know abbu duznt show it but he is super emotional (like Anika). He told ammu that when amar biye hoi and I leave he wont survive (how sweeeeeettt!!). But he'll never say anything like that 2 my face. I think compared to most girls, I'm unusually close 2 my parents - both ammu and abbu. This is one of those things u cant explain with words but you know its true because a feeling in your heart tells you so (that came out overly mushy, eeeewwwww!).

Anyways, ammu abbu niye golpo shuru korsi - shud stop now. Just making the point that alhamdulillah im so lucky to have such caring parents (and they're lucky 2 have a daughter like me, jokes, hehe). Anika and I are so close too, I tell her everything! Unless its some1 elses secrets or something i know some1 wouldnt like me 2 mention i leave that out. But eto close hobar poreo its hard coz of the whole not-so-Islamic lifestyle problem. Sure, its hard when ur parents are hostile towards u practising Islam but I think its harder when ur parents are loving. Psychologically it hurts u more coz u love em more and want whats best 4 em but they fail 2 c that sometimes =(

Anyways, as u have guessed i am a pagol who needs psychological help, hehe. Na, seriously, i have Allah (SWT), and that is enough for me. Although at times it feels like i need a lot of support from other people and i break down real bad, it's always Allah (SWT) who consoles me at the end. So alhamdulillah for Islam =).

Now I shall leave and get ready 4 uni (doubt it) but should make an attempt at it. U guys enjoy ur day and keep me in ur dua's.


Friday, May 20, 2005



Im having heaps of fun reading your accounts.


DO YOU WANT TO ALLOW (OUR OTHER FRIENDS) TOO SEE AND COMMENT ON OUR BLOG? ( in that case, you'd have to give em the url)
salams day. it was cultural awareness club's end of the year party........jsut came from was pretty cool though.....all the cool and nice ppl were there........and about IA, it got worse the other day...........getting too touchy, too close. but i think i nagged about IA enough for the week. so i am not gonna say what happened........guess what, i have only 2 days of school left.....well, tomorrow is senior skip day, so all the seniors are gonna skip, except the ones who has too much stuff to finish. i am still undecided if i should skip or not......either i will go to school........and hang out in the library with this friend, maybe work on my web design proj, cause i still have a lot of stuff to finish. and then maybe before 4th hour, my dad can give us a ride to mashjid, and pray jummah, and then home, or that friend could come over and we could hang out......or that friend is gonna come over to my house in the morning.....and the whole day we are just gonna "Chill". maybe watch some movies........we are still undecieded of what we want to know...........its so sad that i am graduating.....i mean i am not sad that i am graduating, but i am sad about leaving...........koro smrity ache ei school joriye..........and once we graduate, i am never gonna see most of those ppl ever again.......ekhane ekta jinish ache, beshir bhag chele meyerai dekhsi.........graduate korar shathe shathe state leave kore...........shara deshe chorai pore........jara baire uni'te jete afford korte parena, tara when i went to the party.......there was one of my friends there........i had a class with her like two yrs ago.............and still our relationship didnt it does with most ppl.........maybe i am best friends with someone this year'e kemon dure shore jai...........but she is one of the very few with whom i can still talk to like i could two yrs ago.........actually i know her for yrs.........she was allways sweet and nice. she was showing me her prom pictures today. i m really gonna miss her, cause she is one of the nicest, sweetest, most cheerful, fairest, most positive girl i know. i think she would be a really good muslim if she was. she is a really good christian though. and then there are some other friends who are gonna leave too..........i really like those girls.........i am gonna miss them sooo much. you know, as the last day of this year is coming close, kemon ekta faka faka feelings. i think i am gonna cry, both in the last day of school , and graduation..................mone hoi jibon koto taratari na shob kichu chole guess i am just depressed.............anyways, thanks for readinng this. you must be sleeping by now.........anyways, i gotta go now....................Allah hafej.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

My Job

Salams again sis',

I just wanted to say that I have a job interview on Monday insha Allah. Its as a telephone fundraiser for environmental and humanitarian charities. I'm so happy! Insha Allah I'll get the job. I really want this position. Can u please make dua 4 me? Please please please do so! I really need the money and its a good position coz its charity work.


My dream

Assalamualaikum pplz,

I wanted to discuss something with you and I really dont know if i should or not. But I want to do this. So here goes. Around 1 and a half years ago, I had this dream and it really affected me. I don't know if it has any meaning but to me it seemed like it held a very important message. U c, in the dream I was dreaming. So it was a dream in a dream. So when I woke up (still in the dream - i was dreaming in the dream, remember?) I went to some1 to get my dream interpreted and then after having the full dream interpreted I woke up (in real life this time).

In the dream I wasn't Ishita, I was some1 else. I was a girl that lived with my friend and her Mum in a flat in Australia. One morning I woke up from sleep, went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Suddenly, I heard a big crowd on the street, it was like a procession. At the head of the procession there was a man leading it. All the people were following him. My friend (the1 I lived with) and I thought it was like a fair and mela or something so we decided to follow the procession. So, we went downstairs and joined the crowd - it was a pretty big crowd, probably a few hundred people. We followed the procession until we were led into a stadium. The man at the head of the procession got up onto the stage and signalled every1 to be quite. All was silent. The man then spoke. He began claiming that he was a messenger of God and he had come with a message for humanity. He began performing miracles and the crowd began showing heavy support for him.

At that moment, my friend and I realized what was going on. This was the dajjal. We read so much about him, expecting him to come after many centuries, but he was here, in our lifetime, standing right in front of us. After he finished his speech he told the people who followed him to indicate so - there were huge cheers. Then he told them to leave the stadium until their next meeting. And those who didnt follow him, he told them to remain in th stadium. My friend and I were scared. Of the hundreds of people in the crowd only around 20 remained. Just a point to remember, Dajjal will have shaytan guards with him, rite? In my dream he had satanic guards too. He ordered them to lock all the doors of the stadium so we couldnt get out.

He then asked us y we didnt believe him. One brother replied that we have been forewarned about this and we know him to be the dajjal, the liar! Dajjal then ordered another bro from the front row to come up on stage. He got his guards to hold this mans hands and Dajjal himself slaughetered him in front of us. And then he brought him back to life. He then asked "See! I cause death and I can give life! Now who follows me?" From the 20 ppl we had left, all but 4 said that they followed him. Then Dajjal ordered his guards to kill the 4 of us (including me and my friend). At that moment, my friend and I started to run and run and run. We frantically sprinted around all corners of the stadium looking for an open gate but they were all locked. Finally, we found a small opening in one of the exits and we escaped.

After this event we ran home. My friends mum was shocked to see us so exhausted and flustered. B4 we cud explain anything 2 her, the phone rang. Aunty picked it up. I knew that Dajjal was on the line (if Dajjal comes in the modern context it makes sense that he will have control of the mass media and communication). My aunty began reciting some ayahs form the Quran, I recognized it 2 b the first 10 ayats of surah kahf (later on). Then Dajjal hung up. After we explained everything to aunty she planned for our evacuation very soon.

My friend and I left first and we had to be very careful that we werent seen. But to out surprize the whole town was empty. But we could hear sound coming from another park. Dajjal had assembled there with all his followers, a few thousand now. He was now claiming to be not just a messenger of God, but God himself! And he ordered for all opposition to be eliminated! His people made sujood to him and were ready to obey his commands. My friend and I began running again coz we knew they wud look 4 us and wanna kill us. So we were running frantically again. Running...... running....... running......... And then..... I woke up (but I was still in my dream).

When I woke up (in my dream) I told my friend about what i had just dreamt and she took me to a dream interpreter that she knows well. When I went to this interpreter lady and explained my dream to her, she asked me a few questions - weird questions that had nothing to do with my dream. And then she concluded that my dream meant that Dajjal will appear in three years time and this msg was given to me by Allah (SWT) so I can warn the ummah and tell every1 to prepare themselves because our imaan are so weak and fragmented. We must build ourselves up b4 we are faced with this great test.

Then I woke up in real life. I was terrified at this dream. I still remember it. I know that it duznt mean that dajjal will come in 3 years time exactly but cud it mean that he will come soon. Because we are very close to Judgement Day now anyway. Well, I just wanted to share this with u (I think I told Mou b4 but in case I didnt). Thanx for reading it and lemme no what u thought.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I was in the city today for a Teachers Federation meeting for beginning teachers. Me and My friend were having lunch at a kebab shop during the break and I happened to look at yesterday's Daily Telegraph. The cover story "TWO SETS OF RULES - This scarf is fine but try wearing one of these to school and see what happens..." (close-up of a girl; mabe Yasamin and next to it, a Bulldog scarf). So provocative and stinking of prejudice! To compare an expression of faith to a trivial fan-fare! I HATE THE TELEGRAPH! MAY IT GET BANKRUPT AND DISAPPEAR!

If you didn't have time or didn't feel like realing the emails, here are some extracts:
IN the 1960s, women burned their bras in protest to establish women's rights. In the 1970s, they took to the streets en masse and marched against the Vietnam war.
Last week, a smaller protest was fought and won by a Sydney schoolgirl who put her education on the line in defence of her Muslim faith.
Yasamin Alttahir, 17, launched a personal campaign for religious freedom after she was told by her school that she should not wear her mantoo -- an ankle-length gown -- to classes.

School uniform policy:
* Decisions about school uniforms should be consistent with occupational health and safety, anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation
* A school's uniform policy should take into account the diverse nature of the student population in the school and not disadvantage any student
* Economic, personal, social and cultural factors affecting students and their families must be considered when deciding on items of uniform. Other considerations, such as body shape or religious requirements, should be taken into account in making a final decision on the design and fabric of school uniforms Source: NSW Department of Education and Training website

Religious freedom and a schoolgirl's battle, 16/05/05

Principals fear students will now try to flout school uniform rules in up to 2250 schools across the State, The Daily Telegraph has learned.
School heads expressed serious concern yesterday about the case of Yasamin Alttahir, 17, who clashed with Auburn Girls High School over the wearing of a mantoo, an ankle-length religious tunic.
One of the authors of the state's uniform policy, Secondary Principals' Council president Chris Bonnor, said the controversy had left school heads confused.
``Now how many other students will put their hand up [for changes to their uniform ?'' he said.
``How will the department help that school to draw the line?''

TWO SETS OF RULES - This scarf is fine but try wearing one of these to school and see what happens... 17/05/05

And how in future will other ``cultural considerations'' be evaluated? What if a pupil insists on his right to attend school wearing the orange robes of a Buddhist monk? Or the girl who practices Wicca and wants to wear a pointy hat and carry a toad?
OK, those examples may be somewhat extravagant. And we are a multi-cultural society, so the department's uniform guidelines spell out the need to be sensitive to the cultural norms to which some pupils may be expected to adhere.

Commonsense and conformity 17/05/05
THROW out your dictionaries, they have been rendered meaningless by the craven cowardice of the Carr Government in the face of political correctness run riot.
The word ``uniform'', which most dictionaries describe as a ``prescribed identifying set of clothes for the members of an organisation, such as soldiers or schoolchildren'', has been stripped of meaning by NSW Education Department bureaucrats keen not to offend a 17-year-old Auburn schoolgirl who wishes to wear a religious robe to her state school.
It is difficult not to have some admiration for Yasamin Alttahir's courageous stand. She believes in her religion and wishes to wear a mantoo, an ankle-length tunic.
The problem, however, is that she attends a state school which, until the weekend, had a uniform dress code which did not include mantoos. Now the uniform dress code has been tossed out.

Uniform fury over cowardly cover-up 17/05/05
All these are extracts from that stinky Telegraph. Let me know what you think.

Newsweek 'must act over Koran case'Newsweek 'must act over Koran case'

Click on heading to read this article. Important!

What else can we expect from the US Army: a curse to humanity is what they are. What if the army of a Muslim country did that to the Bible. You wouldn't hear the last of it, Oh no, you wouldn't *outraged*


hey ppl, sorry, i didnt realize we were posting comments...........thats why i didnt write any comments.....................anyways..........from now on inshaallah i will. but if you write something.......and i write a comment.......would you post a msg to ans that..........or put comment in your own msg? i am confused...............anyways........yeah i thouggt about wat you guys said.......about separating guys and girls..........i gave that suggestion.........but the pres didnt really seem interested......she says its not like we are doing anything wrong.............even though we should.........but in this society we cant totally separate malesandfemales...............the thing is ppl in our club arent as religious i guess.........i mean there is this one really religious when they were playing hindi and some english songs in the club..........he said that it was haram.......but then this other guys started arguing with him so he didnt say know, before this club started.........i saw the muslim ppl around the school......and i used to think they were so religious. i mean, there arent many muslim girls in our school......the ones who are there i knew they . but the guys, even though i never talked to them, i allways used to admire them, because they looked so religious........they are really shy outside i guess. but when they are in the club, they act really crazy, childish i guess. i mean, there was this one guy, i never saw him talking to any girls, some of them, i guess i thought were controling their gaze, cause they would never look at you, its kind of like they look through you. or maybe its because they were so tall, so they didnt have to look at ppl's faces, they could just look straight w/0 looking at girls. and there was this other guy, i heard this thing about him, dont know if its true. i heard that one time he thought this girl likes him, so he went up to that girls muslim friend, and told her to tell her friend that he is muslim, and isnt allowed to like girls, so tell her not to stare at him. that muslim girl is maliha's friend. but maliha said that she exagerates a lot, and sometimes lie too. so i guess we didnt believe her completely. but the girl who he thought liked him got really mad and told all her friends, and some ppl laughed. but after that i really respected him. but after the club started, i kind of started loosing respect for those guys. i mean, that day the pres, well actually co-founder , went to the muslim guys table to talk to them about the club. she had to tell them something. but then this guy started teasing her, about made nasty remarks. he was swearing and made some sexual comments abotu her and this muslim guys (jokingly). she got really mad, but the muslim guys were laughing. i mean i understand that person is their friends, but they should've stopped him. anyways, after i heard that i really didnt want to see their faces ever again, but then the co-founder is my friend, so she convinced me to go back to the club. you know the co-founder is a senior right? and there is this sophomore guy in the club. ora duijonei khub joke kore. cheleta shob shomoi oke ragai, ar mayeta rager bhan kore. and twice the girl started chasing the guy all around the school. in our club, guys and girls are really involved. so one time i told her, that i guess its ok that we have to work together to keep the club going, but dont get us too involved. and she gave me this weird look. anyways, so then she started talking about the sophomore. tai ami oke bollam "did you realize how you are the only girl who he is allways teasing? i mean in the club, or outside the club he barely talks to any girl, but with her, he is allways teasing her, or getting her to chase him all around the school?" and she was like she jokes with all the guys, thats how her relationship with guys are. she just jokes around with them. its not serious. so i didnt say anything, but i told her to "be careful". i said all this in a joking way. cause she was so "ewwww" about the fact she might actually like a guy who is younger than her. so she just laughed, and went along with the joke. but i was dead serious about what i said. anyways, so you know the day i skipped, i skipped with her right? amra bibhinno jinish niye kotha bolchilam, right? so amra jokhon club niye kotha bolchilam, o finally admit korlo that she started having some feelings for the guy. tokhon abar purapuri ulta, she was like i dont think its wrong to like younger guys, and when i reminded her about our conversation earlier, she was like oh yeah, i did say that dint i? i told her that i dont think its weird to have crushes on younger guys, cause islam permits marriage between younger guy and older guy. and i think its normal to have that kind of feelings if you get involved with guys too much. thats the reason i told her to be careful. but she didnt take me seriously. she was like oh i joke around with all guys. and he is younger than me so its not possible for us to have feelings towards each otehr. but now that it finally did, i guess she kind of feels bad. cause she is kind of trying to avoid him. well, she cant completely, but she is trying.
anyways, and all the other guys, amar je uchcho dharona chilo oder upor, sheta ar oto uchchona. i mean i guess i still respect some of them. but i realized that they are not that different that the other ppl. so even though at first i was so shocked, i am not anymore. hm...whatelse. oh yeah, next year-er jonno election hoilo shedin, maliha ran for tresurer. but then the co-founder's bro got mad at his sis cause he thought it was her fault that maliha ran. i guess he was jealous, and took her as a threat cause there were more girls than guys. including the co-f, and the advisor. and he told her that if he doesnt win for tresurer, he is going to stop coming to the club. so the sis felt really bad. so after the election was over, she didnt count the votes till the next week just cause she was scared that her bro wasnt gonna win. so when she finally did counted it, maliha won by one vote, but then she called maliha and asked her to share the position with her bro. maliha wanted to be nice, so she said ok. but then there was this other guy running for the position too, but she didnt say anything about him. so i kind of bad about it. i mean i felt bad that she was telling maliha to share the position even though maliha won. she was being unfair. but she is the pres, so what can i do? but after that she lied to all the club mem, and told them that it was a tie b/n her bro and maliha. so the guys were like i pick your bro. i got so mad that day, causeshe was unfair and lied about it. so later i called her and told her i didnt want to be a part of this club anymore, cause lieing and being unfair, these are not teachings of islam. so then o amake ulta blame kora shuru korlo, that i was the first one to say the lie. which was totally stupid, cause why would i say that, my sis won. i felt that she was being unfair to my sis and the other guy who didnt win. so we got into this huge fight. maliha started feeling really bad, and thought about handing the position to the guy who got the least vote, not the bro. cause we both think he is a really childish, immature freak. anyways, after all the fights, we kind of talked it out at the end. and she decieded to give everyone in the club a position. all 10 mem. her bro and this otehr guy share the position of VP. and maliha and one of her friend share the position for treasurer. i didnt think this was that fair, cause she gave her stupid bro a higher position, that he doesnt deserve. i mean she through out the votes jsut cause her bro didnt win. and later she was like oh i count the votes wrong. there was one vote that said "me" for the treasurer, that was her bros. so they did tie. anyways, but i liked this way much better than the old way i, amar ekhon jete hobe, its 12:17 here. abbi is telling me to get off the comp. oh, munira apur jonno ekta q ache. do you think its backstabbing if you dont even know the ppl? do you think i was backstabing, let me know cause if i am, i dont want to. ok, so Allah hafej. -mou

Insult to my profession!

Today I walked up and down St Marys shopping mall (which seemed to be half a km long) looking for a JP (Justice of peace) to sign a my citizenship certificate copy. The Police Station didn't have a JP, the Post Office didn't, the chemists didn't and then finally found one in a picture framing shop (wonders will never cease)! Anyways, I was browsing through a catalogue of artworks while waiting and when the JP came, I asked him where I could get a copy of this because its very useful for art lessons. I told him I'm a teacher (I'll be one soon). Then while, he was signing the the cert, I asked if he could turn over and sign the other side.
"I might not be a teacher but I know I have to sign both sides. *pause* You see teachers have a habit of treating everyone like little children, even if they're adults."
I turned red in embarrassement. The nerve of that man! Well, I'll show him!
"I hope I'm not picking up the habit already. I'm only a beginning teacher. I only said that because some JPs I've been to before, they didn't bother signing the other side and I had to request it specifically." One score for me.
"Yeah, most'll do that. But I always sign everything. and if you had two documents on one page like a drivers licence and a passport, I'd sign for both, twice, even if its on the same page." One score for him. We're even. Then we talked a little more. He was a sweet old guy really.

But the insult still rankles, because he's not the only one to say it. Most people seem to think of teachers that way. UNFAIR!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Maaf chai


I think shobai amar upor chete ache coz i havent been posting. well amar reason ache. Our broadband limits been used up so internet is very slow so it takes ages and even freezes sometimes. So its a hassle coming in with it so stufy. But insha Allah this month will be over soon. But ami koto bhalo dekhso, eto koshto kore likhte ashchi, hehe *cheeky smile*.

Well all of your lives are so interesting compared to mine. Even though u dont like what happens sometimes at least stuff happens. Assignment niye eto besto shomoi gese for the last few weeks! Uni stinx! I so miss skool! Shotti, we had the best group in skool and now we hardly see each other. Even though we keep in touch with each other, its just that shobai uni niye besto thake. We see each other at the programs and dawats and other such gatherings. But its just not like b4. How was ur first yr M apu? Didn't u miss skool. Nabila, tui uni (u say college dont u?) jokhon shuru korish u'll c. Life becomes so different then. Well at least we have something to look forward to, amader group from skool planned bi-annual reunions. One is coming up in mid semester break insha Allah. I'm so excited about that. Icha kore pora shona baad diye shara din dhore oita organize kori!

Yesterday we organised a few study groups for most of my subjects. It was good. But I hate it wen we dont have reliable people in the group but alhamdulillah so far so good for us. I'm so bad. Missed so many klasses at uni and been missing more. Aajke jainai coz i couldnt get up in the morning. Did that a few days before too *hide face in shame*.

Well, my life............. my life......... bhebe dekhte hobe........... what else is going on?............. well, I want a job. Looking for one desperately. Bekar hoye boshe thakte bhalo lage na. Abbu ammu has so much financial strain on them already I dont wanna add 2 it. So amar ulta ki hoche jano? I'm ending up borrowing from people and ending up in debt *Gasp in horror*. Ami janina ki korbo. I applied for jobs at so many places. Kothao theke fone kore na. Kothao keo nei (ring a bell, Nabila?). Any ideas guys?

Anyways, I have summary notes 2 make 4 our study grp. Happy that I rote though. Will try and check this at least every 2 days insha Allah. Please kaar korien na, lokkhi shona mani amar. Chander tukra. Bhalo thako. Insha Allah talk 2 u's soon.


cant think of a title

Salam ppl. ai munira apu..........tomader okhane ki ekhon winter? amader summer shuru hoye geche. well..........even though its supposedto be summer here, its still really cold out sometimes. i mean today i think it was 38 deg. it was really cold out. munira apu, are you done with your practicum? how was it? how did it feel to teach little kids? Anyways.....i have to get off the comp soon........its 11:34 now. my day was ok today actually. me and this other muslim girl skipped 3rd and 4th hour and went out to lunch. well......since we didnt have a car....we walked to this place that was only 10 min away from school.........and then we sat infront of the library and talked........well, its my senior year........monta kemon uru uru, bujhtei parcho. i was worried abotu skipping 4th hr, cause i have get a lot of stuff done this week. but i am sure i can finish it.........and 3rd hour, i am a teacher aid for ESL. english second language. at first i though maybe i should go....i walked in the looked so depressing.......i mean its not like we do anything there, i jsut have to help the kids with hw......but most of the time they dont need then the teacher just tells me to talk to them...........and besides there are 4 other aids. so i decieded to take a little teacher wasnt there so she didnt see me......and this otehr guy was there i told him not to tell the teacher. andeven if he does, my teacher doesnt really care. hm.........what else did i do? oh yeah, and then there was the IA meeting today. islamic association. same old stuff..........two ppl flirting..........guys messing person trying to speak and noone after a while we left. anyways.........that all about my boreing day......i gotta go .......................later............oh, and ishita......i should've known.................lazy, didnt post one who is i do? k..........hey you came online right now....and bugging me...........................i will talk to you later....and you beta post msg cya guys............ttyl..............or post some msg later..........salam. -you know who

Monday, May 16, 2005

long, cold, wet and awful day

Feeling very sick at the moment. My nose and throat are itchy. Hope I'm not coming down with the flu. I am also wondering whats happened to !ishi! and mou (I'm not calling you 'ITS ME!')? Total silence on your part.

Here's the briefing on my day which was long, cold, wet (autumn rains) and awful.
  • to some stuff to the JP to get verified and forgot the originals so I have to go back.
  • went to pick up academic transcripts, didn't have enough money coz I shopped earlier in the day and I had no notion that you had to pay for them. Then I found out the uni ATM machine was taken out coz not enough people were using it. Ugh! Then I had to catch a bus to Lindfield shopping mall just to use an ATM machine. Got my maney, caught the same bus back to uni.
  • Had an interesting chat with the bus driver about the teaching course, public transport and niqab!
  • Left home at 8:30 am and returned at 8:45 pm. Long too long.
  • One had one class (2 hours) in a small room stuffed with over 40 people. The lecturer was big on discussion but I could hardly hear anyone in my group because so many people were talking at such a small space. Just felt like tearing my hair out.
  • The rest of the time was spent putting together the supporting documents for the DET application. Also shared prac experiences with Alisha and Cath in the honours room. So didn't get much done there even though I was sitting on a computer.
  • Then a wet, cold trip back home. Thankfully abbu rang me halfway, told me to get off at Auburn and picked me up. He was coming back from somewhere.

I'm home now, feeling to drained to do any work.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Platonic love!

"Platonic love is very much a part of any close friendship. But such a love doesn't always stay platonic. Sometimes it turns into passionate love. Crossing that line, between friendship and love, can be both beautiful and extremely difficult."

Interesting stuff I picked up in a cyber-ally. Watdya think?

More about my Prac

I did this practicum at Fairfield Public School in Sydney's south-west. The most interesting thing about this prac was my cooperating teacher, no names thank you. Cooperating teacher is the teacher whose class I've been assigned to for practice teaching. Its a lovely 2nd grade class, mostly bright kids in a priority funding school, that has a high proportion of refugee and temporary resident holder students.

Anyways, back to my coop teacher. That woman is a fantastic teacher, but as a person, its a different question altogether. Miss social butterfly and the gossip queen of the school. I felt so uncomfortable about her habit of constantly talking about others: good and bad. She also loved talking about her boyfriend John. By the end of 1st week, I was terrified she's been telling tales about me behind my back. Especially because the 1st week was specially hard and I'd been getting a lot of criticisms from her about my teaching.

2nd week started off worse. My lesson planning and organisation was really bad and I was late to school one day because I missed the train. At this point she had two complaints about my teaching: organisation and class management. Organisation I could improve. But management was frustrating. She said I wasn't firm or strict enough with the children, I was afraid to discipline them and I was anxious to please them. I WAS NOT TRYING TO PLEASE THE CHILDREN! How can I be as good a disciplinarian as her when she's been teaching for 9 years! I was miffed, but agreed with her, as I should in my position. I sucked up to her a little bit saying that I'm happy you're being to honest and upfront with me. Give me as much criticisms as you want, as long as you give me a good report in the end. Well, I didn't exactly say those words. I implied it. By the end of 2nd week, my management and everything was picking up and she was a lot happier with me.

I made some major revelations during the 2nd week. A Coop teacher not just watches you teach and makes comments. She also has a duty to spend time with me, give me tips, introduce me to to other stuff members, generally making me feel included and involved. My teacher really neglected that. Every lunch and recess break she's rush off to the cafe to get her lunch. The school is on the edge of a shopping mall so teachers duck in and out of shops, cafes all the time. And that's were she'd head. I would have liked to go with her but I got the impression she didn't really want me to, even though she'd ask politely "can I get you anything?" Off course I declined. One day, she announced that she's gonna go for a walk at lunch-time because she didn't have enough exercise once she got home. She did leave far. So I asked is if I can go with her and so we can discuss the lesson I just taught. She hastily said, "No, no, no. Its ok. Your lesson was fine." Very suspicious!

Next day, I found out who she was going walking with John C, A stage 2 teacher. So, that's why she didn't want me to come walking! But I was stupid and clueless enough not to make the connection. Next day, I found out that her John is that John and now all her lunch-time rushing into the stage 2 block and cafe and walks made sense. I felt annoyed. Have your love-live, fine. But if you don't have time for me, maybe you shouldn't have taken on a prac student. Getting an easy pay while carrying on your romance. She'll get paid $200+ for having me practice in her class.

With a better understanding about her doings and my weaknesses, week 3 went much better. My management improved and wonder of wonders, she gave me an excellent report. I bought chocolates for her and the class and gave her 2 pairs of earrings I made. So, my prac went good overall, I guess. I think I learnt a very important lesson about reading people and telling them what they want to hear. Deception and pretention comes handy to a teacher coz teachers are the biggest two-faced creatures. That's another discovery I made in all my pracs. Sad, but true. Scares me to think I'll be going into an environment like that. I pray to Allah that I'll never be like them.

bujhte partisina

munira apu.......i just posted one........why didnt it said it

cool....i think i am getting the hang of it munira apu and ishita.........congratulate me........and mail me..........ok..........nv mind............jsut post shall i write? i have so much hw.......this weekend.........oh graduation is coming soon...........may24..........this os so sad.......well not really...........but i will get out of school after 6 more else.......oh yeah.................i hate racist ppl................i wish i could do something about them............but as powerless i am..........i cant do anything but to salams. i am so proud of myself.

Salam Salam!!!

Assalamualaikum girlies,

It worked! Alhamdulillah. And can u believe, I actually got it! *Gasp! I cant write much now because I need to get off the comp but insha Allah I'll come back again soon and write up stuff. By the way, what do I do if I wanna post up again? What process do I follow? Help me!!!




Friday, May 13, 2005

ai ami akhon

Thursday this week, I finished Practicum 7. This is my 2nd last prac program. It went better than I hoped, alhamdulillah. Next semester, I'll be teaching for a whole month without the class teacher being in there. Scary but exhilarating.

mouri, do you know I was chatting to you for over 2 hours that day? You still need to give me your photo in red sari, sitting on a courch I think. You know what? Just when you signed off, Radia and I recorded our conversation and was going to send it to you. Maybe another time. It was stupid and silly! You didn't send any pictures of Anika and Maliha? How are they, by the way?

!ishi!, my advice to you is be strong and rebellious, lolz. Don't give an inch. Don't let life trample all over you.