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Islam is the light which shone from the dawn of humanity. To bring humanity into the right guidance. To know what is right and what is wrong - Yusuf Islam          The Muslims Have got Islam as a legacy; hence they fail to recognize its value - Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall          We need spirited, energetic and strong young people whose hearts are filled with life, enthusiasm, zeal and dynamism; whose souls are full of ambition, aspiration and vigour and have great goals, rising and aspiring to reach them until they eventually arrive at their destination - Hasan al-Banna          Love cannot fully express itself without hatred for its enemy and our hatred of falsehood must be proportionate to our love for the truth - Maryam Jameelah           We must begin looking at each other as brothers and sisters…..and not walking brochures. We must see each other’s strengths and encourage those strengths…..We must see each other’s weaknesses and be patient with those weaknesses…..sometimes even look beyond what we see as weaknesses and move on with compassion and love and respect. That takes true faith - Dawud Wharnsby Ali          Those who know they do not know, know that, to know is to know what they do not know - Ibn Sina          Education is our Passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today - Malcolm X          I looked at all friends, but did not find a better friend than safeguarding the tongue. I thought about all dresses, but did not find a better dress than piety. I thought of all types of wealth, but did not find a better wealth than contentment in little. I thought of all types of good deeds, but did not find a better deed than offering good advice. I looked at all types of sustenance, but did not find a better sustenance than patience - Umar bin Khattab (R)        

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Bangali biral er dukho

All the cats from all wound the world gathered together for a race. Cats from all nations were there: USA, Australia, Africa, China, England, Madagascar, every countri in the world had a representative.

The race bagan and soon enough all the cats were astonished by a single scrawny looking cat that no doubt was the fastest cat there. Beating every cat in the world, coming first in this mega-international race was none other than the Bengali cat!

The shy little cat completely flustered by its win, was covered in prizes and applause from the Bengali audience. After winning the race, all the media wanted to interview this unexpected winner.

Answering each question at a time, it was the last question that shocked the world.

Media: So tell us your secret to such an agile body.
BD cat: Ashole, ami kintu bagh, na khaite khaite ami malnutritioned hoye biral hoye gesi.


Blogger »|m|u|n|i|r|a|« said...

the best I heard in a while *LOLOLOLO* for me 2 thing stand out: the hunger and the cheating of Bangalis.

1:16 pm, June 26, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol...too funny!

5:09 pm, June 26, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahahahahahah - where do get these joke!!

PS: different anonymous!!

6:57 pm, June 26, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha ... bagh shukhalo biral holo

(third anonymous ... this shud rouse yow

11:55 am, June 27, 2005  
Blogger flynn.t said...

What's the new trend here?? Why all this anonymity- I know who all of you are anyways...can tell from yer writing!
so :P

1:44 pm, June 27, 2005  
Blogger flynn.t said...

BTW... good one Ishi!!

1:44 pm, June 27, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

enlighten us o flynn of flynnland.

(anonymous the third)

9:24 am, June 28, 2005  
Blogger »|m|u|n|i|r|a|« said...

These anon ppl make me wanna pull my hair out! What is it with you lot? What are you afaraid of? huh? I challenge you to reveal yourself!

11:31 am, June 28, 2005  
Blogger Aaisha said...

I know eh, anonymous ppl r so frustrating!

By the way, Upoma told me this joke. So no credits 2 me =P I'm not that funny =(

3:10 pm, June 28, 2005  
Blogger »|m|u|n|i|r|a|« said...

no its a funny joke o'right!

9:10 pm, June 28, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what do u thing we hope to achieve by being anonymous.....

Perhaps i do not speak for anonymous the third - but i speak for myself when i say that "pulling out your hair" was close enough to what i hoped to achieve!! LOL :P

10:18 pm, June 28, 2005  
Blogger »|m|u|n|i|r|a|« said...

right-e-o...Think I'll leave my hair quite alone. I may even pamper it, seeing as how its been the butt of cruel jokes by some heartless ppl...maybe I'll get an extention...

11:34 pm, June 28, 2005  

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