This is Simpson's donkey, my fav from the Australian War Memorial: from left: Radia & Shomota. About Simpson's donkey: At Gallipoli,this guy named Simpson found a donkey which he used for carrying wounded soldiers and medical supplies. He became quite a hero...I reckon half the credit is due to the donkey dontcha think?
Friday, June 24, 2005
This is Simpson's donkey, my fav from the Australian War Memorial: from left: Radia & Shomota. About Simpson's donkey: At Gallipoli,this guy named Simpson found a donkey which he used for carrying wounded soldiers and medical supplies. He became quite a hero...I reckon half the credit is due to the donkey dontcha think?
thats scary - taking the faces out ... dont do that!!!
I can't believe anonymous is complaining about the white spots; THEY ARE for the purpose of anonymity you know!
lol, ya the faceless people look scary...
I always liked donkeys, they're so hardworking. I wonder y people use 'gadha' as an insult?
Lol - i get ur joke ... delayed, anyway its not anonymity if everyone knows who they are - cause its pretty obvious!!
anonimity not for us (including Ms anonymous) who know each other but any wanderer that might stumble across this microcosm...
Then either ur weird OR have gine blind "ye old and wise one"
correction - gone
k, next time, I'll use a different stamp (not the oval speech-bubble) in different colour...maybe a love-heart in pink? hm....
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